How To Detox From Fluoride

sodium_fluoride_tee_shirtsby Anthony Gucciardi

Experts have been warning for years against the dangers of sodium fluoride, but recently more awareness has spread than ever before. Following the rampant success of essential news stories centered around fluoride, including a story I authored just three short days ago highlighting the horrendous amount of sodium fluoride in doctor recommended toothpaste (500,000% higher than fluoridated water), it’s now important to discuss how to actually get it out of your system through fluoride detox.

Even if you somehow managed to escape the ingestion of fluoridated water in your younger years, chances are you’ve been exposed to food items that actually can contain about 180 times the sodium fluoride content as fluoridated water according to fluoride expert Jeff Green. This has to do with how what’s known as aluminum fluoride, or Cryolite. Used as a pesticide due to its ability to kill bugs, conventional farmers will oftentimes spray excessive amounts of the sticky substance onto crops. As a result, the aluminum fluoride substance will reside unless thoroughly washed off of the produce.

In an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola, Jeff explains the issue:

“Cryolite is actually sodium aluminum fluoride… This sodium aluminum fluoride is especially effective at killing bugs,” Green says. “It’s also very sticky, so when they spray it, it’s more likely to stick on your produce, unless you’re… really working at trying to get it off of it.”

Admittedly it’s not as high as the extra-fluoride toothpaste that is pushed on kids to treat their nonexistent ‘fluoride deficiency’ peddled by some dentists, however it is still a detrimental amount. Plus, it’s more than likely that you’ve been exposed to both fluoridated tap water and conventional fluoride-sprayed. So what can you do about it?

Fluoride Detox Protocol

The realm of fluoride detox, or fluoride detoxification, is often left untouched. After all, this poisonous substance is still considered perfectly safe by many despite even Harvard admitting that it completely wreaks havoc on IQ and brain development. But this article isn’t about the history of fluoride, it’s about getting it out of your system. Thankfully, a number of fluoride detox methods do exist that can help remove sodium fluoride from your body in addition to another of other concerning materials.


Selenium is one nutrient that oftentimes is the first answer given to those seeking to combat the existence of sodium fluoride in their bodies. As FoodConsumer reports, selenium has actually been found to help block the effects of fluoride as well as fluoride elimination. A great natural source of selenium is Brazil nuts, but is important to keep your intake in balance. I don’t recommend you start eating handfuls of Brazil nuts. Many in the field of natural health recommend a dose of 100 to 200 micrograms, though this does fall below the National Institute of Health’s ‘upper limit’ of 400 micrograms.

Brazil nuts vary in selenium content depending on a number of factors, but on average you can expect 70 to 90 micrograms per serving. Selenium is also found in fish, meat, and nuts. Don’t forget also that taking selenium along with high doses of vitamin C and zinc can actually inhibit proper absorption. Here is a useful list of foods that contain selenium that includes microgram count.

Nascent Iodine

Iodine is important in many ways even outside of fluoride detox, but the reality is that fluoride directly attacks the thyroid. The key here is that iodine, preferably nascent iodine which is the best quality, helps to remove sodium fluoride through the urine as calcium fluoride. I recommend and personally take Dr. Edward Group’s Detoxadine (as always, I was not paid to recommend this product — I actually take it and purchase it myself).


Have you ever heard of tamarind? It’s a staple in the ancient Ayurvedic medicine system, which is considered to be the ‘mother’ of natural medicine. In addition to yielding delicious teas when added to your favorite tea beverage, tamarind also helps expel fluoride through the urine.

Dry Sauna

As with many other toxic substances, a powerful dry sauna session can help to excrete sodium fluoride from fatty tissues. Be sure to drink up on purified water to replenish yourself afterwards.

Detoxifying fluoride from your body can be challenging, but it is a process that can help alleviate the massive build up of this toxic chemical sold to the public as ‘safe’ and ‘effective’ by pseudo-scientific fraudsters. While you cannot go back in time and avoid all exposure to fluoride, you can utilize these methods to detoxify it from within your body today.

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Anthony Gucciardi is an accomplished investigative journalist whose articles have appeared on top news sites and have been read by millions worldwide. Anthony’s articles have been featured on top health & political websites such as Reuters, Yahoo News, MSNBC, and Bloomberg. Anthony is also a founding member of Natural Attitude, a leading developer of super high quality spagyric formulations.

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